When you talk about a soccer team, you almost always talk about its style: high-pressing, possession-heavy, parking-the-bus, etc. A team’s style not only signifies how they play on the field but also reflects its coaching. Since there aren’t guidelines on how the style of the team should be defined, everyone uses their own rules and we can’t directly compare each other’s descriptions.
An accurate quantitative description of the style is needed.It can help one to properly analyze not only the opponent’s team but also his/her own team.
With an accurate method to describe the style, one can scientifically evaluate if a training exercise is efficient at serving its purpose. We previously have used dimension reduction technique, t-SNE, to find MLS teams with similar styles based on the spatial distribution of activities and pass networks. This time we use a different method, k-means clustering of pass types, to quantitatively measure style, tactical specialization, and the influence of coaching on a team’s system.
K-means clustering of passes
We used k-means clustering of pass types to quantify the styles of the teams in MLS. K-means clustering is a machine learning algorithm that separates data points into a user selected (k) number of clusters based upon their similarities.If you think that two clusters define the groups you want, you will choose k=2. If you think it is 10, choose 10. In our case, after using the elbow method and visual inspection, we chose to classify passes into 64 different groups based upon how and where passes were made. We want to note that using k-means clustering has been used many other times to describe passing behavior in soccer (and we used it, in part, to classify player positions). We extended previous work by using z-scores to standardize the quantification of each pass group. Then by filtering pass clusters based on z-scores we can find characteristic pass patterns for every team.
パスの種類のk平均法を使用して、MLSのチームのスタイルを定量化しました。k平均法はデータポイントを、類似性に基づいてユーザーが選択した(k)個のクラスターに分離する機械学習アルゴリズムです。2つのクラスターが必要なグループを定義していると思われる場合は、k = 2を選択します。 10と思う場合は、10を選択します。今回の場合は、エルボー法と視覚化検証を使用した後、パスの種類と場所に基づいて、パスを64の異なるグループに分類することにしました。k平均法は、サッカーでのパスの動きを説明するために何度も使用されていることに注意してください(そして、プレーヤーの位置を分類するために一部使用しました)。z値(標準得点)を使用して各パスグループの定量化を標準化することにより、以前の作業を拡張しました。次に、z値に基づいてパスクラスターをフィルター処理することにより、すべてのチームの特徴的なパスパターンを見つけることができます。
This visualization combines the features of both pass network and touch heatmap. It shows what areas a team utilizes the most and how (what type of passes) it uses to access this zone. For example, last season, Atlanta used long horizontal passes to stretch the opponent while Kansas City camped outside the opponent’s box with its possession dominance. By plotting distinctive pass types this way, we can also see how a team evolves under a coach. For instance, Tata Martino had clearly instructed how Atlanta played out from the back, however, it was a work-in-progress in the first year. They got the build-up part right but had trouble transitioning into the attack. With another full season to practice, they exploded into one of the best offensive teams in MLS history in their second season.
By varying the z-score to filter the data, you can look at the under-presented pass types and choose the degree of representation. In 2018, Columbus did not utilize long passes out of the back often, LAFC was less likely to cross from the flanks, and Portland didn’t pass from central locations back towards their own goal.
Tactical specialization
Using z-scores not only gives us a standardized score to evaluate the degree of representation of each pass cluster but also a quantitative measure of a team’s tactical specialization. Each z-score measures how much different a team is in using one type of passes compared to everyone else. If we take the median of the absolute value of the z-scores (since because both over- and under-representation equate to specialization, thanks for the idea, Dummy Run) per team, we approximate how much different a team is to everyone else.
Z値(標準得点)を使用すると、各パスクラスターの表現の程度を評価するための標準化されたスコアが得られるだけでなく、チームの戦術的特化の定量的尺度も得られます。各Z値は、あるタイプのパスを使用するチームが他のチームと比較してどれだけ異なるかを測定します。チームごとにZ値の絶対値の中央値をとると(過大表現と過小表現はどちらも特化と等価、Dummy Run氏のアイデア)、チームごとにチームがどれだけ違うかを近似します。
Specialization does not necessarily mean a team is good or bad. There is only a weak, but significant, correlation between specialization and expected goal difference (R = 0.24, p = 0.007). In fact, two of the most specialized teams (>99th percentile) in the last seven years are New York City FC in 2016 and Colorado in 2018. Their most over-represented pass types are those that couldn’t get across the half-line. They are basically specialized in not passing forward. A non-ideal method of winning games, to say the least. The full table of specialization scores is at the bottom of this post.
特化とは、必ずしもチームが良いか悪いかということではありません。特化とxG(Expected Goal)の差との間には、弱いが重要な相関関係があるだけです(R = 0.24、p = 0.007)。実際、過去7年間で最も特化されたチーム(99パーセンタイル以上)の2つは、2016年のニューヨークシティFCと2018年のコロラドです。最も過剰に表現されているパスタイプは、ハーフラインを越えることができなかったものです。彼らは基本的に、前パスをしないことに特化しています。控えめに言っても、ゲームに勝つには非理想的な方法です。特化スコアの完全な表は、この投稿の最後にあります。
The specialization scoring confirms some eye tests while refutes the others. For example, New York Red Bulls are believed to be the most distinctive franchise in MLS. The top five most distinctive teams from the last seven years include three Red Bulls, all under the supervision of Jesse Marsch (and Chris Armas last year). In contrast, many pundits believe that Columbus Crew under Gregg Berhalter played with a very unique style. However, their specialization scores suggest that they have been less specialized than most teams in the last four seasons. These are good examples of how an objective measure of style can help judge whether our subjective opinion stands.
Coaching influences tactical systems
The specialization score only tells us whether a team is different from everyone else, but it doesn’t tell us whether two teams are similar or not.Two teams can have very similar specialization scores but they can be specialized in different ways.Quantifying the way two teams play can tell us how coaching change or player turnover can impact the play style of the team.
To quantify the similarity of the play styles of the same team in two consecutive seasons, we calculate the Euclidean distance of the z-score for each cluster between seasons. We then do another z-score to standardize the resultant score and calculate a percentile to determine how the change between two years are compared to every other transition in the last seven seasons (note: above 50 is greater than average difference, below 50 less than average difference):
A coaching change seems to be the strongest driver in the evolution of the play style; even though the New York Red Bulls are the most distinctive franchise in the MLS, their style has been consistent under Marsch since 2016. Large differences in similarities were seen in Columbus when Gregg Berhalter took over for Robert Warzycha (2013-2014), NYCFC transitioning from Jason Kreis to Patrick Vieira (2015-2016), and New England in Brad Friedel’s first season (2017-2018) after years of below average change under Jay Heaps. However coaching changes don’t always bring change, Portland, San Jose, and LA Galaxy showed less than average change when moving to new coaches. Interestingly, since 2015, SKC has shown increased year-over-year differences under Peter Vermes. While Ben Olsen and Pablo Mastroeni showed wild swings year-to-year during their respective tenures at DC United and Colorado.
Our next steps will be to link our quantitative measurement of the style to some forms of performance index. For example, some teams may predominantly use a pass type, but at a low success rate.In that case, a coach may want to decide how important that cluster is for the team’s function. He or she may want to introduce a new training regimen to improve the performance of that pass type, use different players in those positions, or even alter the pass routes to bypass it. We can look at the outcome of the style by linking pass clustering with the pass chain concept and rate them with Expected Goal Chain. This way, we can find all groups of classes that produce the most damage for any team. Imagine three linked forward pass clusters in which the middle cluster is under-represented and sandwiched by two over-represented ones. Immediately you will know that the under-represented cluster is the weakest link; your team may use other actions such as dribbles or carries to move the ball through that area. The coach may want to instruct his/her players to pass more than they are doing. The opponent’s coach may want to hit that area or player.
次のステップは、スタイルの定量的測定を何らかの形のパフォーマンス指標に結び付けることです。たとえば、一部のチームは主にあるパスのタイプを使用しますが、成功率は低くなります。その場合、監督はそのクラスタがチームの機能にとってどれほど重要かを決定したいと思うかもしれません。そのパスの種類のパフォーマンスを向上させるために新しいトレーニングを導入したり、それらの位置で違った選手を使ったり、あるいはそれを回避するためにパスルートを変更したりしたいと思うかもしれません。パスクラスタとポゼッション連鎖の概念を結び付けてスタイルの結果を調べ、Expeted Goals Chainでそれらを評価できます。このようにして、どのチームにも最大のダメージを与えるクラスのすべてのグループを見つけることができます。3つのリンクされたフォワードパスクラスターを想像してください。このクラスターでは、中央のクラスターが過小表示され、2つの過大表示されたクラスターに挟まれています。すぐに、過小評価されたクラスターが最も弱いリンクであることがわかります。チームはドリブルしたり簡単にはたいたりしながら他のアクションを使用して、ボールをそのエリアに移動させることができます。監督は、自分のプレーヤーに、彼らが今やっている以上のパスをするように指示したいかもしれません。相手監督は、そのエリアや選手を襲いたいと思うかもしれない。
Applications like these are the tip of the iceberg in how this type of analysis can help coaching. Things like this can provide “actionable insights”, the holy grail of the soccer analytics.
シーズン | チーム | 特化スコア | ランク |
2013 | Chicago | 1.47 | 10 |
2013 | Colorado | 0.08 | 48 |
2013 | Columbus | 1.41 | 12 |
2013 | DC United | -0.99 | 107 |
2013 | FC Dallas | -0.35 | 71 |
2013 | Houston | -0.99 | 108 |
2013 | Kansas City | -0.77 | 98 |
2013 | L.A. Galaxy | 0.43 | 34 |
2013 | Montreal | 1.54 | 9 |
2013 | New England | 0.57 | 29 |
2013 | New York | 0.27 | 40 |
2013 | Philadelphia | -0.06 | 53 |
2013 | Portland | -0.35 | 70 |
2013 | Salt Lake | -0.74 | 96 |
2013 | San Jose | 0.53 | 31 |
2013 | Seattle | -0.22 | 65 |
2013 | Toronto | -0.30 | 68 |
2013 | Vancouver | 0.22 | 44 |
2013 | Chivas | 1.04 | 17 |
2014 | Chicago | -0.70 | 92 |
2014 | Colorado | -0.77 | 99 |
2014 | Columbus | -0.11 | 59 |
2014 | DC United | -0.46 | 80 |
2014 | FC Dallas | -0.71 | 93 |
2014 | Houston | -0.46 | 79 |
2014 | Kansas City | -1.18 | 112 |
2014 | L.A. Galaxy | 1.78 | 7 |
2014 | Montreal | -0.40 | 76 |
2014 | New England | 1.67 | 8 |
2014 | New York | 0.26 | 41 |
2014 | Philadelphia | 1.13 | 16 |
2014 | Portland | -0.57 | 84 |
2014 | Salt Lake | -1.41 | 121 |
2014 | San Jose | 0.05 | 49 |
2014 | Seattle | 0.39 | 36 |
2014 | Toronto | -0.68 | 91 |
2014 | Vancouver | -0.93 | 104 |
2014 | Chivas | -0.72 | 94 |
2015 | Chicago | -1.28 | 116 |
2015 | Colorado | -1.14 | 109 |
2015 | Columbus | 2.17 | 6 |
2015 | DC United | 0.12 | 47 |
2015 | FC Dallas | -0.53 | 83 |
2015 | Houston | -0.10 | 57 |
2015 | Kansas City | -1.43 | 123 |
2015 | L.A. Galaxy | -1.20 | 113 |
2015 | Montreal | -0.61 | 87 |
2015 | New England | 1.19 | 15 |
2015 | New York | 0.39 | 35 |
2015 | New York City FC | -0.39 | 75 |
2015 | Orlando City | -0.33 | 69 |
2015 | Philadelphia | -0.07 | 54 |
2015 | Portland | 0.63 | 27 |
2015 | Salt Lake | -0.46 | 81 |
2015 | San Jose | -0.50 | 82 |
2015 | Seattle | 0.74 | 23 |
2015 | Toronto | 0.29 | 37 |
2015 | Vancouver | -0.08 | 55 |
2016 | Chicago | 0.65 | 26 |
2016 | Colorado | -1.17 | 111 |
2016 | Columbus | -0.20 | 64 |
2016 | DC United | 0.29 | 38 |
2016 | FC Dallas | -0.58 | 85 |
2016 | Houston | 0.22 | 45 |
2016 | Kansas City | -0.72 | 95 |
2016 | L.A. Galaxy | -1.35 | 120 |
2016 | Montreal | -1.15 | 110 |
2016 | New England | 1.36 | 13 |
2016 | New York | 2.48 | 4 |
2016 | New York City FC | 3.14 | 2 |
2016 | Orlando City | -0.61 | 86 |
2016 | Philadelphia | -0.16 | 60 |
2016 | Portland | -0.42 | 77 |
2016 | Salt Lake | 0.17 | 46 |
2016 | San Jose | -0.80 | 100 |
2016 | Seattle | -0.81 | 102 |
2016 | Toronto | -1.24 | 114 |
2016 | Vancouver | -0.09 | 56 |
2017 | Chicago | 0.46 | 33 |
2017 | Colorado | 0.77 | 22 |
2017 | Columbus | -0.61 | 88 |
2017 | DC United | -0.95 | 105 |
2017 | FC Dallas | -0.38 | 72 |
2017 | Houston | 0.69 | 24 |
2017 | Kansas City | -0.10 | 58 |
2017 | L.A. Galaxy | -1.33 | 119 |
2017 | Montreal | 0.57 | 30 |
2017 | New England | -0.85 | 103 |
2017 | New York | 2.31 | 5 |
2017 | New York City FC | 0.65 | 25 |
2017 | Orlando City | -0.38 | 73 |
2017 | Philadelphia | 0.29 | 39 |
2017 | Portland | -1.30 | 118 |
2017 | Salt Lake | -0.81 | 101 |
2017 | San Jose | -0.96 | 106 |
2017 | Seattle | -0.75 | 97 |
2017 | Toronto | -0.38 | 74 |
2017 | Vancouver | -0.06 | 52 |
2017 | Atlanta United | 0.24 | 43 |
2017 | Minnesota United | -0.17 | 62 |
2018 | Chicago | 0.82 | 21 |
2018 | Colorado | 2.91 | 3 |
2018 | Columbus | -0.19 | 63 |
2018 | DC United | -0.05 | 51 |
2018 | FC Dallas | -1.43 | 122 |
2018 | Houston | -0.65 | 90 |
2018 | Kansas City | 0.82 | 20 |
2018 | L.A. Galaxy | -1.28 | 117 |
2018 | Montreal | 0.52 | 32 |
2018 | New England | -0.25 | 66 |
2018 | New York | 3.79 | 1 |
2018 | New York City FC | 1.43 | 11 |
2018 | Orlando City | -0.04 | 50 |
2018 | Philadelphia | 0.96 | 18 |
2018 | Portland | -1.27 | 115 |
2018 | Salt Lake | 0.58 | 28 |
2018 | San Jose | -0.30 | 67 |
2018 | Seattle | 1.35 | 14 |
2018 | Toronto | 0.25 | 42 |
2018 | Vancouver | -0.44 | 78 |
2018 | Atlanta United | 0.86 | 19 |
2018 | Minnesota United | -0.62 | 89 |
●MLS(Major League Soccer)
●t-SNE(t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding)
T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) is a machine learning algorithm for visualization developed by Laurens van der Maaten and Geoffrey Hinton. It is a nonlinear dimensionality reduction technique well-suited for embedding high-dimensional data for visualization in a low-dimensional space of two or three dimensions. Specifically, it models each high-dimensional object by a two- or three-dimensional point in such a way that similar objects are modeled by nearby points and dissimilar objects are modeled by distant points with high probability.
t-SNEはLaurens van der Maaten氏とジェフリー・ヒントン氏によって開発された視覚化のための機械学習アルゴリズムです。これは、2次元または3次元の低次元空間に視覚化のため高次元データを埋め込むのに最適な非線形次元圧縮手法です。具体的には高い確率で、類似のオブジェクトが近くの点に、相違のオブジェクトが離れた点にモデル化されるように、各高次元オブジェクトを2次元または3次元の点でモデル化します。
The t-SNE algorithm comprises two main stages. First, t-SNE constructs a probability distribution over pairs of high-dimensional objects in such a way that similar objects have a high probability of being picked while dissimilar points have an extremely small probability of being picked. Second, t-SNE defines a similar probability distribution over the points in the low-dimensional map, and it minimizes the Kullback–Leibler divergence (KL divergence) between the two distributions with respect to the locations of the points in the map. Note that while the original algorithm uses the Euclidean distance between objects as the base of its similarity metric, this should be changed as appropriate.
t-SNE has been used for visualization in a wide range of applications, including computer security research, music analysis, cancer research, bioinformatics, and biomedical signal processing. It is often used to visualize high-level representations learned by an artificial neural network.
While t-SNE plots often seem to display clusters, the visual clusters can be influenced strongly by the chosen parameterization and therefore a good understanding of the parameters for t-SNE is necessary. Such “clusters” can be shown to even appear in non-clustered data, and thus may be false findings. Interactive exploration may thus be necessary to choose parameters and validate results. It has been demonstrated that t-SNE is often able to recover well-separated clusters, and with special parameter choices, approximates a simple form of spectral clustering.
●elbow method(エルボー法)
KL(Kullback–Leibler) Diverjence
●xG(Expected Goal)
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